About Us
So, we're on the move!
Read on to learn about what hostswitcher started out as and where it's going.
How hostswitcher.com started
Hostswitcher started out with the mission of helping budding developers find better hosting than the shared hosting options that developers ususally find themselves workking with when they first start out. Usually a friend of family member asks for help with their website, usually with poorly chosen hosting and website setup.
Hostswitcher aimed to show developers how to setup and host start to finish projects with more advanced frameworks such as Laravel or Django.
We also aimed to show developers the benefits of either VPS or cloud hosting for better performance, allowing developers to offer better end to end solutions for small to medium sized organizations.
Why the move to different apps?
A lot of companies started offering managed VPS and online tutorials for setting up an unmanaged VPS for smallish apps was already excellent.
So we decided to focus on an app that helped people find a VPS near their customers instead!
At the same time, a lot of our content became very data and database focussed. A lot of our work and our content at the time was more about working with databases and the modern data stack, data engineering and analytics.
So it made sense to move content from hostswitcher into a new home (or two!)
So what are the names of the sites where old hostswitcher content exists?
Firstly, coming soon, we'll have our VPS search by country or continent setup in a new site up called DatabaseVPS.com.
It will also provide content on how to setup more advanced database features such as roles, indexes, query performance and general OLTP advice for applications.
Secondly, our modern data stack content is slowly becoming more course based. All of our data engineering and analytics has moved to Snowgress.
The name combines the words progress and snowflake - referring to the snowflake schema design for modelling data for analytics.
We hope the above explanation explains why the move of content. We'd be delighted to see you over at either Database VPS (coming soon) or Snowgress in the future!
Happy Developing!